Thursday, June 26, 2008


Victoria, Victoria, Victoria. This is the name of a girl I fell in love with a few months ago. I haven't seen her in a while. I've been trying so hard to forget about her, but it's hard to get someone out of your head when their name keeps appearing on television. I've been seeing that name on television all this week. It's driving me crazy. That name brings back memories of her. The good ones. Every time I hear or see her name, I get goosebumps and I think about how beautiful she looked and how sweet she was. I often find myself daydreaming and fantasizing about her. Those fantasies are usually about me being her boyfriend and being romantic to her. She was so beautiful. She is one of the most beautiful women I've ever met. I wish I had the chance to tell her how I felt about her. I had a crush and was in love with her. I always thought about writing her a love note, but I was scared. Scared of rejection. I gave her a rose. I hope she still has it. That rose is a symbol of my love, appreciation, and affection for her. When she's touching that rose, she's touching my heart. I miss her. I miss her pretty hair, her pretty face, her pretty smile, and her pretty body. Maybe I'll see her someday. Maybe the reason why I'm seeing her name so much on television is because it's some kind of sign. A sign that I'll see her again. And maybe be with her. If I never see her again, I'll move on with my life. But I will always be in love with her. I love you Victoria.

Boy George - Crying Came


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