Monday, October 5, 2009

Birthday Weekend

I had a great weekend! It was my birthday weekend and I celebrated it with my best friend who I've known since college. On Friday, I turned 26. It's hard to believe that I'm 26 years old especially since I look like I'm 16. I couldn't wait to open the presents that I got myself. One of the presents was an old Adam Sandler comedy CD entitled - Adam Sandler: They're All Gonna Laugh at You! Another present was a Jeffrey Ross book – Jeffrey Ross: I Only Roast the Ones I Love. I haven't read the Jeffrey Ross book yet, but I listened to the Adam Sandler CD and it was as funny as his movies. Later, I ate some delicious ice creak cake that I bought from Baskin-Robbins. Baskin-Robbins makes the best ice cream cakes hands down! I spent my Friday night watching TV. It wasn't an exciting birthday, but the best is yet to come. On Saturday, me and my friend decided to spend the whole day in Times Square. First, we went to Madame Tussaud's wax museum where we saw wax figures from Oprah to Fidel Castro. The figures were surreal. I wanted to take the Paris Hilton wax figure home with me and make a home video. If you know what I mean. There was a horror exhibit that we passed through where real people would come out of the dark and scare the visitors. I wasn't really scared, although I was holding on to my friend for safety and comfort. Just kidding! We also saw a 4-D show with SpongeBob SquarePants. I'm not a fan of SpongeBob, but the show was fun. I regret all the negative things I've said about SpongeBob in the past. Not! After touring the whole museum, me and my friend went to eat at Virgil's BBQ on 44th street. The restaurant looked like a restaurant from the 50's. And the vibe there felt like I was in the South. The food was delicious. I ate some fried shrimp, two grilled hotdogs and French fries. My friend ordered some riblets but he didn't eat them all because he was rushing to go the strip club, where we were headed to next. After the meal, we headed over to our favorite strip club – Flashdancers. We tried to rush over there before 8pm to avoid paying the $20 cover fee, but we arrived five minutes late. Oh well! As usual, there were pretty girls at Flashdancers. There was this short blonde German chick that I wanted to marry. She gave me the best lap dance of the night. Or should I say, the best lap dances of the night. I spent a lot of money on lap dances, but I didn't care because it was my birthday weekend. My friend had me give him back $40 which he owed me. He took that $40 back and got a couple more lap dances. Perverted bastard! We stayed there for over two hours and left after 10pm to go home. I got home just in time for SNL and I ate some leftover ice cream cake from the day before. I went to sleep that night feeling like I was King of the Hill. On Sunday, I spent most of the day in bed watching sports. I was too exhausted from the day before to even try to get up to do anything. I watched some football, basketball, and baseball. Later that night, I watched The Eye featuring Jessica Alba and my one of my favorite shows - Californication on Showtime. Overall, this past weekend was the best weekend I ever had. There's nothing better than cake, bbq, celebrities, topless women, football, and sleep on a weekend. Especially on your birthday weekend.